Welcome to our third annual Laureate Park Pet Palooza! We are hoping for a great turnout. We are excited to have you participate and support our local animal rescues. Please join the Laureate Park Pet Palooza Participant Group 2025 Facebook Page for updates.

Businesses and vendors will be responsible for a $50 non-refundable participation fee upon registration processing (Venmo payments only). If you are selling merchandise or food at the event, you must have a business tax receipt. Please make sure you register in a timely fashion to secure your spot at the event since spaces are limited. Rescue groups will not have a fee and all collected money will be split and donated back to the rescue groups that attend.

Every participant will provide their own set up; including tables, chairs, canopies, cages, rounders, trash/poop bags, etc. Please plan for the weather. Canopies are highly recommended. Every participant is responsible for cleaning their area and removing their trash upon leaving the event.

The event location does not have electrical outlets. You may bring your own power source if necessary. There are restrooms and a drinking fountain available for use on the north side of Heroes Park. It is recommended you provide your own water for pets in the unforeseen chance the water fountain is inoperable.

There is ample space at the event, so please spread out so we can have space between each participating business and vendor. There are no assigned spots apart from food vendors and rescue groups. Food vendors will be on or near the roundabout in front of the park, unless their setup accommodates them to be somewhere else. Rescue groups will line down the middle of the field.

Event will be held on Sunday, March 2nd, 2025, from 11am to 2pm at Heroes Park in Laureate Park. The address is 14086 Centerline Dr, Orlando, FL 32827.

Set up for the event will start at 9am. Please be set up by the time the event starts at 11am. Breakdown will start just after 2pm when the event ends.